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Wednesday 28 March 2012

DD 2000-The Fig Taylor Portfolio rules.

Recently the Illustration course had an informal lecture from the AOI portfolio advisor Fig Taylor,this was an eye-opening and entertaining talk on how to present your work to potential clients. Fig came across as no-nonsense and pithy,but also as someone who cares deeply about the Illustration industry and those who seek to make their way in it. What follows is a list of "The Rules" of portfolio construction,and getting jobs.

-No sketches/life drawings. (we know you can draw)
-Don't get attached to old work. (even if it is good)
-Be honest with yourself. (be objective)
-Concentrate on YOUR strengths.
-Your Unique,show it!
-Don't do BIG. (A0-A1)
-Your portfolio should be relevant to the client (portfolio full of cats but your pitching to dog-owner weekly?)
-If you do 3D work get it Professionally photographed.
-Don't mix and match your styles. If you have 2 distinct styles get 2 portfolio,s. (and a split personality)
-Pieces should be finished.
-Don't put in work YOU don't like. (if the client likes it..you're fucked!)
-Include a variety of subject matter done in YOUR style.
-Take your sketchbooks in-case the client wants a shufti.
-ipad your stuff (you hear that? that's the future approaching)
-Don't present on a laptop PC coz they're shit.

-The Art Director is always busy.
-Getting a face to face meeting is hard.
-Clients don't like risks.
-Assume you're potential clients are lazy and/or stupid.
-The client doesn't know you,so you will be judged entirely on your portfolio(for good or ill)
-Research your potential clients thoroughly.
-Don't E-mail them(you'll just get deleted/blocked)
-Write a letter to potential clients and follow up with a phone call.
-Editorial have very short deadlines. (bare this in mind if you take a month to finish a piece)
-Advertising pays well but it's high stress and you will need to work with a committee of meddlers.
-Graze all the magazines you can find to see where your style may fit in.
-There are over 5000 trade magazines. (this is a good thing)
-All publications need "A look" to distinguish them.(this is also good thing)
-Move to Australia! There's hardly any illustrators out there...

Got that? Good.
Fig also had a few anecdotes from within the industry about bonkers Illustrators("I only want to work for The Times or the Observer") and seemingly disinterested Art directors(Stressed out and tired is their lot apparently,bless em).
But It was good to hear that there is work to be had,you just gotta find it and pitch for it. Make sure your'e portfolio is up to scratch first though.

Ed Allen

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