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Monday 11 July 2011

UCLAN Drawing & Image making Degree show 2011

Recently Visited the UCLAN Degree Exhibitions. The D&IM Show caught my eye for it's Illustratyness(?). Where the 2D image is still King. Though there was a wide variety of mark-making techniques used, Charcoal,Ink,photography and sewing onto fabric to name a few. All bar one(see bottom) resulted in 2D finished pieces. Not that I dont like a bit of installation work myself, just it's nice to see how the other half do it within the self initiated brief structure of Fine Art.
 Visit: http://www.drawingandimagemaking.com/

                                       Mark Moore
See more at http://www.markmooreillustration.com/
                                       Emma Rowell
Needlpoint and Animal carcasses.
See more at http://www.emmarowell.tumblr.com/

                                       Lucia Perrigo
Collages of Artists own drawings.
No link sorry.
                                    Rebecca Elliston
 This piece was based on the concept of escapism. During the exhibition it contained soil and plants,like a minature jungle in a tent, In my opinion it could have possiblybenefitted from being much larger as it was only about 1 metre tall, something that the viewer could actually enter and explore would have had more impact I think.
More of Rebecca's stuff at http://www.flickr.com/people/beckiboos